Runtastic Heart Rate PRO
Runtastic Heart Rate PRO

GetRuntasticHeartRatePROtonotonlymeasureyourpulse,butalsocomparedifferentresults,receiveremindersforregularHRmeasurementsandbenefitfrom ...,TurnyouriPhoneintogenuineheartratemonitorwithHeartRatePROapp!Yourheartrateisthebestwaytodetermineyourphysi...

Runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor

Useourall-in-onecomboheartratemonitorforallyourfitnessactivities!Specifications:CompatibleRuntasticApps:-RuntasticPRO(iOS,Android)-Road ...

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Runtastic Heart Rate PRO APK (Android App)

Get Runtastic Heart Rate PRO to not only measure your pulse, but also compare different results, receive reminders for regular HR measurements and benefit from ...

Heart Rate PRO on the App Store

Turn your iPhone into genuine heart rate monitor with Heart Rate PRO app! Your heart rate is the best way to determine your physical or mental condition.

Connect a Heart Rate Monitor - Runtastic Help

2023年9月26日 — The adidas Running app gives you the option of connecting a Heart Rate Monitor so you can record your heart rate during a running session.

Runtastic Heart Rate for Android

2023年5月23日 — Runtastic Heart Rate is a heart rate monitor that uses your Android device camera. It comes from the makers of well-known sports and running app ...

【 iOS app 】心跳測量Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor & Pulse ...

2015年2月20日 — 心跳測量Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor & Pulse Tracker PRO 這是一款藉由手機鏡頭,測量你手指血腋脈搏,進而到你正確心跳的app。

Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor

With the Runtastic Receiver and Heart Rate Monitor, featuring the new soft elastic chest strap, your heart rate data will be recorded and shown directly in the ...

只要裝上Runtastic這套App 你的手機就能偵測心跳!

2017年2月7日 — Runtastic 除了眾所皆知的運動系列應用程式外,他們家其實還有開發一套Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor, Heart Beat & Pulse Tracker 測量心跳的App, ...

原價US$1.99!Runtastic 高準確度心跳計App 限免!

2016年2月13日 — 有沒有想過iPhone 可以用來量度你的心跳速度?這套名為Runtastic Heart Rate Monitor & Pulse Tracker PRO 的工具就可以做到!

Runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor

Use our all-in-one combo heart rate monitor for all your fitness activities! Specifications: Compatible Runtastic Apps: - Runtastic PRO (iOS, Android) - Road ...

Tracking your runs and heart rate with Runtastic PRO for ...

2018年11月20日 — Tracking your runs and heart rate with Runtastic PRO for Windows Phone · Create or mark one of thousands of routes on the runtastic website and ...


GetRuntasticHeartRatePROtonotonlymeasureyourpulse,butalsocomparedifferentresults,receiveremindersforregularHRmeasurementsandbenefitfrom ...,TurnyouriPhoneintogenuineheartratemonitorwithHeartRatePROapp!Yourheartrateisthebestwaytodetermineyourphysicalormentalcondition.,2023年9月26日—TheadidasRunningappgivesyoutheoptionofconnectingaHeartRateMonitorsoyoucanrecordyourheartrateduringarunningsession....